Watch / Validating designs and finding points of failure: Testing ETH 1.x and ETH 2.0 against AI agents

Validating designs and finding points of failure: Testing ETH 1.x and ETH 2.0 against AI agents

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Validating designs and finding points of failure: Testing ETH 1.x and ETH 2.0 against AI agents

Duration: 00:17:50

Speaker: Olivier Bégassat, Vanessa Bridge

Type: Breakout

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

We’ve introduced the notion of machine learning algorithms in our network of simulator: Wittgenstein. We explore the different strategies that can be taken by participants in the network to attack the system or manipulate protocol’s design to increase rewards. We focus specifically in reinforcement learning, and set up different agents that engage in different byzantine behaviours. We present results and guidelines to improve the design of protocols such as PoW, Casper and others.


About the speakers


Olivier Bégassat

I work in R&D at ConsenSys. My research focus in on delivering the zk-evm.

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