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Using IPFS to Create a Metaverse

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Using IPFS to Create a Metaverse

Duration: 00:07:54

Speaker: Agustina Aldasoro

Type: Lightning Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 6

Date: Oct 2022

Leverage the decentralized IPFS network to scale content storage management for a Metaverse implementation. - Manage all assets storage and remove S3 dependency - Navigate through the Metaverse Assets changelog history - Ownership validation based on Ethereum blockchain - Strength the network and decentralization by fostering the community to contribute with nodes - Remove the complexity to manually implement content synchronization on the network
About the speakers


Agustina Aldasoro

I'm a **Computer Scientist** from University of Buenos Aires, where I'm also a former teaching assistant of Algorithms and Data Structures II. I've been working as a Software Engineer since 2015 in different companies, such as Wolox, Flimper and Medallia, with a large experience in Backend and Infrastructure. Currently, I'm **Tech Lead** in the Platform team in **Decentraland**, where we build the decentralized Services network to support the Metaverse backend functionalities.

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