Watch / The Future of Web3UX - a Paradigm Shift for a Better Collaboration between Design and Development

The Future of Web3UX - a Paradigm Shift for a Better Collaboration between Design and Development

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The Future of Web3UX - a Paradigm Shift for a Better Collaboration between Design and Development

Duration: 00:18:58

Speaker: Sasha Tanase

Type: Talk

Expertise: Beginner

Event: Devcon 6

Date: Oct 2022

70% of UX design on Ethereum is defined within the Smart Contracts. So why are so few UX experts involved in Smart Contract design? It’s time for a shift towards better crypto UX. The future of a better web3 UX will rely heavily on a paradigm shift. The necessity of change in the way we work and the way we look at how products are designed and planned is more and more needed. So are you ready to embrace the change?
About the speakers


Sasha Tanase

"My job is to translate extremely complex products into palatable bits and to be the users' voice when dApps are built" In a constant search for improvement in design processes, products, and the blockchain space, Sasha Tanase has been working in Ethereum since 2018. Past Head of Design at Alethio/ConsenSys, Head of Design Research at Keep Network, currently she is leading Design Research and Product Design at tBTC/Threshold Network and is one of the co-founders of Web3UX research panel.

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