Watch / Penumbra: Building a Private DEX with ZKPs and Threshold Cryptography

Penumbra: Building a Private DEX with ZKPs and Threshold Cryptography

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Penumbra: Building a Private DEX with ZKPs and Threshold Cryptography

Duration: 00:26:26

Speaker: Henry de Valence

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 6

Date: Oct 2022

ZKPs allow transactions to prove their state transition was valid, without revealing anything about what it was. But this isn't enough, because useful applications require shared state, which ZKPs can't provide. In this talk, we'll describe how to break this barrier by combining ZKPs with flow encryption, a new threshold crypto primitive, to allow private interaction with public shared state, and how Penumbra uses this technique to build a private DEX.
About the speakers


Henry de Valence

Henry de Valence is the founder of Penumbra, a fully shielded cross-chain DEX and proof-of-stake network. Previously, he worked at the Zcash Foundation building Zebra, a modular Zcash fullnode implementation, and at Chain, Inc, building ZK proof infrastructure: Bulletproofs, the Ristretto group, Merlin transcripts, and curve25519-dalek.

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