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Onboard The World Into Your Rollup dApp with BLS Wallet

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Onboard The World Into Your Rollup dApp with BLS Wallet

Duration: 00:28:49

Speaker: Jacob Caban-Tomski

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 6

Date: Oct 2022

Bringing non-web3 native users into a dApp is always a fraught, friction filled experience, even with cheaper transaction costs on rollups. In this talk, we will show you how you can modify a dApp using BLS signatures & a smart contract wallet to: - Embed a wallet directly in your dApp, and allow users to eject by swapping its public key. - Bundle multiple transactions into one and submit to an aggregator to lower friction & save on gas. - Pay for your user's transactions.


About the speakers


Jacob Caban-Tomski

Developer on BLS Wallet project at Privacy & Scaling Explorations. Passionate about developing solutions to scale the Ethereum ecosystem to the rest of the world through rollups & L2s. When I'm not coding you'll find me eating spicy noodles, jamming out to EDM, or on a bike.

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