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Hybrid PBS from CL's Perspective

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Hybrid PBS from CL's Perspective

Duration: 00:30:24

Speaker: Terence Tsao

Type: Talk

Expertise: Beginner

Event: Devcon 6

Date: Oct 2022

The talk seeks to address the following questions: - Why does PBS matter from CL's point of view? What happens if we completely ignore it on the protocol layer? What if we wait to release it? - How did we implement hybrid PBS on CL clients from history to functional products? - What do they look like in code? - What are the gotchas and the trade-offs? - What are the remaining questions we shall seek before moving to full PBS?
About the speakers


Terence Tsao

👋 Hi, I'm a core dev at Prismatic labs. I'm most known for my work on Prysm, a consensus layer client written in Go. I mostly worked on the proof of stake Ethereum, known as the beacon chain. Lately, I've been working extensively on "the merge", hybrid PBS, and eip4844.

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