Watch / Devcon 6 - Opening video
Duration: 00:03:58
Speaker: Ethereum Foundation
Type: Other
Expertise: Beginner
Event: Devcon 6
Date: Oct 2022
Ethereum Foundation
The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a non-profit that supports the Ethereum ecosystem. We are part of a larger community of organizations and individuals that fund protocol development, grow the ecosystem and, advocate for Ethereum.
Welcome Ceremony
The opening ceremony to Devcon 5.
Welcome & Team Introduction
Ethereum Foundation ED, Ming Chan introduces Ethereum team leads, who give a brief summary of the projects and efforts they work on.
Ming Chan, Vitalik Buterin, Dr. Christian Reitwiessner, Peter Szilagyi, Fabian Vogelsteller, Viktor Tron
Welcome & Introduction Panel
Ethereum Foundation Executive Director, Ming Chan, makes opening remarks and introduces the R&D leads.
Ming Chan, Martin Becze, Péter Szilágyi, Dr. Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Van de Sande, Viktor Trón, Vitalik Buterin
B-U-I-D-L Song
Jonathan Mann's famous B-U-I-D-L song!
Jonathan Mann
Closing and Tweet Song
Jonathan Mann's closing of Devcon 4 and the Tweet song!
Jonathan Mann
Devcon4 Track Overviews
Various speakers present Devcon 4's Tracks and what each will include.
Jonathan Mann, Hsiao-Wei Wang, Hudson Jameson, Bryant Eisenbach, Piper Merriam, Sarah Mills, Rhys Lindmark, Josef Jelacic
Ethereum Foundation Values
Aya Miyaguchi, Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation, discusses the values, philosophy, structure & purpose of the EF, as well as her history & thoughts on decentralization, and urges us to remember why we continue to build Ethereum.
Aya Miyaguchi
Latest on Ethereum
Vitalik gives an update on Ethereum's progress and roadmap.
Vitalik Buterin
Water We Doing: The Changing Tides of the Ethereum Foundation Grants Program
Kenneth Ng from the ESP team discusses the role & goals of the EF's Ecosystem Support Pipeline.
Kenneth Ng
Welcome and Song
Jonathan Mann's opening song & welcome to Devcon 4.
Jonathan Mann
Devcon 6 - Closing video
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world. We had 6k attendees from 113 different countries, and 34% of them were Spanish-Speakers. We held 200 hours of programming with 77 sessions by 444 speakers for 10 tracks. Muchas gracias y hasta luego!
Ethereum Foundation
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 1
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 2
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 4
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 3
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.