Watch / Zerochain: Using zk-SNARKs for an account based privacy-preserving blockchain

Zerochain: Using zk-SNARKs for an account based privacy-preserving blockchain

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Zerochain: Using zk-SNARKs for an account based privacy-preserving blockchain

Duration: 00:22:52

Speaker: Osuke Sudo

Type: Breakout

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

Zerochain is a privacy-protecting layer on top of any smart contract platforms like Substrate and Ethereum. As a high-level overview, Zerochain is based on Zether protocol( which is privacy-oriented payment protocol on top of smart contracts. Though this original specification uses Sigma-bullets as zero-knowledge proving systems, instead we use zk-SNARKs for the efficiency reason. I would like to talk about how it works, how we can integrate privacy into the account-based approach.Currently supported for the only Substrate, but it can be supported for Ethereum as well because Zerochain and Zether protocols can be compatible with any smart contract platforms. Here is our GitHub page: blog post:



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