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State Channels

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State Channels

Duration: 00:21:58

Speaker: Liam Horne, Tom Close

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

Over the past several months, Ethereum's leading state channels researchers and engineers have worked to unify their protocols and implementations. The result is a single state channels network, compatible with all major state channel implementations. Liam Horne and Tom Close will introduce the audience to their work, the State Channels Improvement Proposals (SCIP) process, explain how developers can get started building on it, and provide a live demo of the network in action.


About the speakers


Liam Horne


Liam Horne is a co-founder of L4 and a core developer of Counterfactual, the open framework for generalized state channels on ethereum. Previous to co-founding L4, Liam was Director of Engineering at Atomic, the CTO of Piinpoint (YC W ’14), and founded Hack the North, Canada’s largest hackathon series. He studied CS at Waterloo, and received the Thiel Fellowship in 2015.


Tom Close


Tom is the founder of Magmo, a state channel research and development company working to make state channels more accessible to developers. Before entering the ethereum ecosystem he was VP Engineering at Zesty (YC W14), which he joined after completing a PhD in Quantum Computing at Oxford University.

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