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Grid: your new personal Ethereum infrastructure

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Grid: your new personal Ethereum infrastructure

Duration: 00:19:48

Speaker: Everton Fraga, Marc Garreau, Ryan Ghods, Philipp Langhans

Type: Breakout

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

Grid provides new and experienced users alike with a powerful tool to help them find, download, configure, and use Ethereum clients and tools in a secure way, enabling them not only to become participants in the Ethereum network, but also strengthen the core philosophies. Grid tries to make the Ethereum ecosystem, and access to powerful financial and cryptographic applications, more inclusive and accessible for everyone.
About the speakers


Everton Fraga


Ev is a developer (and sometimes designer), helping build Mist since 2016.


Marc Garreau

Developer at the EF since 2017 working on the Mist Browser, Grid, and now the Python team maintaining and creating educational resources.


Ryan Ghods


Joined the Mist team beginning of 2018, helping improve the internal architecture and user experience


Philipp Langhans


Philipp joined the Ethereum Foundation in 2018 to work on Mist with a focus on security and browser technologies such as the Electron framework.

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