Watch / Build a constraint system, prover and verifier using OpenZKP Stark

Build a constraint system, prover and verifier using OpenZKP Stark

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Build a constraint system, prover and verifier using OpenZKP Stark

Duration: 00:30:18

Speaker: Remco Bloemen

Type: Breakout

Expertise: advanced

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

There are great tools and tutorials for R1CS proof systems (aka Snarks) but not much is known about programming Starks. Starks have a much more complex constraint language, but in return you can achieve a much better performance. In this workshop we will * learn about the mathematical underpinnings of Stark proofs, * use 0x's OpenZKP library to generate and verify proofs, and * implement a Stark constraint system.



About the speakers


Remco Bloemen

Designing and building protocols at Worldcoin. Seasoned gas golfer. Rustacean. Thoroughbred engineer and startup artist. Math/physics nerd. Father. Bicycle maximalist.

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