Watch / Beyond Burners - How to Make Web3 Feel Like Web2

Beyond Burners - How to Make Web3 Feel Like Web2

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Beyond Burners - How to Make Web3 Feel Like Web2

Duration: 00:19:56

Speaker: James Duncan

Type: Talk

Expertise: Beginner

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

While working at Spankchain, James experienced firsthand the difficulties of creating a Web 3 product that users felt compelled to return to. The fact is, there is an incredibly high dropoff rate for dapps today. A large part of this issue revolves around key management. Austin Griffith put the onboarding technique of using a burner wallet in the spotlight half a year ago, and has proven to be the most effective on-boarding solution to date. In Beyond Burner, James will expand on an idea he began building in early 2018 describing how to create an intuitive account management experience by utilizing a contract that contains multiple ephemeral (burner) keys. He likens this method to the Impossible Burger narrative, where environmentally friendly meat alternatives have become as good or better than the real thing. Beyond Burner describes the way counterfactual account contracts and burner keys can create an intuitive Web 2-like experience while keeping the benefits of Web 3. Come learn about the future of dapp UX!



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