Watch / An introduction to privacy and anonymous communication: A hands-on workshop

An introduction to privacy and anonymous communication: A hands-on workshop

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An introduction to privacy and anonymous communication: A hands-on workshop

Duration: 00:58:16

Speaker: Dave Hrycyszyn, Jedrzej Stuczynski

Type: Breakout

Expertise: Beginner

Event: Devcon 5

Date: Oct 2019

This workshop will go over the basics of privacy, starting with anonymity and unlinkability. We'll show that privacy is a 'holistic' systems-level concept, and not just an application of zkSNARKs on-chain. Various types of privacy notions (unlinkability, undetectability), and threat models, will be explored, as well as the various levels where privacy leaks happen (layer 0 on the network level, layer 1 on the chain, and layer 2 application issues). The workshop will then invite coders to describe their own privacy problems, and we'll offer advise and hands-on work through with systems like mix-networks (Loopix), anonymous credentials (Nym), and other systems.



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