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Welcome Ceremony
The opening ceremony to Devcon 5.
Welcome & Team Introduction
Ethereum Foundation ED, Ming Chan introduces Ethereum team leads, who give a brief summary of the projects and efforts they work on.
Ming Chan, Vitalik Buterin, Dr. Christian Reitwiessner, Peter Szilagyi, Fabian Vogelsteller, Viktor Tron
Welcome & Introduction Panel
Ethereum Foundation Executive Director, Ming Chan, makes opening remarks and introduces the R&D leads.
Ming Chan, Martin Becze, Péter Szilágyi, Dr. Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Van de Sande, Viktor Trón, Vitalik Buterin
B-U-I-D-L Song
Jonathan Mann's famous B-U-I-D-L song!
Jonathan Mann
Closing and Tweet Song
Jonathan Mann's closing of Devcon 4 and the Tweet song!
Jonathan Mann
Devcon4 Track Overviews
Various speakers present Devcon 4's Tracks and what each will include.
Jonathan Mann, Hsiao-Wei Wang, Hudson Jameson, Bryant Eisenbach, Piper Merriam, Sarah Mills, Rhys Lindmark, Josef Jelacic
Ethereum Foundation Values
Aya Miyaguchi, Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation, discusses the values, philosophy, structure & purpose of the EF, as well as her history & thoughts on decentralization, and urges us to remember why we continue to build Ethereum.
Aya Miyaguchi
Water We Doing: The Changing Tides of the Ethereum Foundation Grants Program
Kenneth Ng from the ESP team discusses the role & goals of the EF's Ecosystem Support Pipeline.
Kenneth Ng
Welcome and Song
Jonathan Mann's opening song & welcome to Devcon 4.
Jonathan Mann
Devcon 6 - Closing video
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world. We had 6k attendees from 113 different countries, and 34% of them were Spanish-Speakers. We held 200 hours of programming with 77 sessions by 444 speakers for 10 tracks. Muchas gracias y hasta luego!
Ethereum Foundation
Devcon 6 - Opening video
This opening video welcomed Ethereum community members from around the world to Bogotá Colombia at the first Devcon in three years. Production house: Banda -L Post Production Director: Emilia Santander Post Production: Andres Vargas Videographer: Johnny Gámez Graphic Designer: Tómas Santander Sound Design: Nicolas Puerto Colorist: Juan Manuel Salazar Production Director: Jose Campos Concept & Art Director: Marian González Script: Alan Steel Visual Content Contributor: Crypto Bushi Voice Over: Hudson Jameson, Danny Ryan, Butta, Afri Storyline Consultant: Skylar Weaver Music: Tomo aka MONKEYBASE, Tarante Groove Machine Creative Direction: Tomo Saito
Ethereum Foundation
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 1
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 2
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 4
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.
Devcon 6 Recap - Day 3
Devcon 6, October 11-14, 2022. Bogotá Colombia. The largest gathering of Ethereum community members from around the world.