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Enigma: Privacy-preserving Smart Contracts for Ethereum

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Enigma: Privacy-preserving Smart Contracts for Ethereum

Duration: 00:28:25

Speaker: Guy Zyskind, Isan Rivkin

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 4

Date: Oct 2018

Enigma is a privacy protocol to enable privacy preserving smart contracts on Ethereum. Enigma utilizes secret contracts - smart contracts that let you use private and sensitive data in decentralized applications. Enigma is building a network for privacy preserving computations. Nodes in the Enigma network that execute secret contracts never see the data that is used in their computations. In this talk, we would like to give an overview of the first version of Enigma network, which is currently on testnet, and present the roadmap with specific focus on privacy preserving cryptographic methods including Multiparty Computation (MPC) and Zero Knowledge Proofs. Computing over private data is considered one of the “holy grails” of computer science. With secret contracts, Enigma focuses on building blocks for the Ethereum network, such as voting / governance and auctions, in the short term. Longer term, Enigma enables applications on Ethereum that work with sensitive user data to compete with centralized solutions such as Uber. Enigma can also harden the privacy and resiliency of popular solutions like on-chain voting and sealed-bid auctions. Without privacy, applications and users must turn to centralized solutions or accept severe trade-offs.



About the speakers


Guy Zyskind


Guy Zyskind is the CEO and co-founder of Enigma, a privacy protocol that enables scalable, end-to-end decentralized applications. Prior to Enigma, Guy was a graduate student at MIT researching and teaching blockchain technology. Guy has authored several academic papers, most recently on privacy and the blockchain, including the Enigma whitepaper (downloaded over 100K times) and “Decentralizing Privacy: Using Blockchain to Protect Personal Data” that appeared in IEEE SPW 15’ and has been cited hundreds of times. Previously, Guy led the development of several start-up companies. Most notably, he was the Chief Technology Officer at Athena Wisdom (now Endor), an MIT Media Lab spin-off company involving Big Data Analytics and Network Science. Guy holds a M.S. from MIT and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Tel-Aviv University.

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