Watch / Defeating front-runners with Submarine Sends

Defeating front-runners with Submarine Sends

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Defeating front-runners with Submarine Sends

Duration: 00:06:09

Speaker: Lorenz Breidenbach, Tyler Kell

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 4

Date: Oct 2018

Front-running is a fundamental problem in blockchain-based markets in which miners reorder, censor, and/or insert their own (or the highest gas bidder's) transactions to directly profit from markets running on blockchain economic mechanisms. Submarine Sends (first introduced here: are a powerful general-purpose mechanism to prevent front-running on Ethereum by hiding the very existence of a transaction until it is no longer front-runnable. Unfortunately, so far no practical (in terms of gas) Submarine Send constructions were known. In this talk, I will introduce: a freshly discovered, practical Submarine Send construction that works on the Ethereum mainnet today.LibSubmarine, an open source project implementing it.



About the speakers


Lorenz Breidenbach

Lorenz Breidenbach is the Head of R&D at Chainlink Labs. He is a security researcher and former BRIDGE fellow from ETH Zürich and IC3. He's been working on Ethereum-adjacent research since 2017 on projects such as Flashboys 2.0, libsubmarine,, and "Enter the Hydra".


Tyler Kell

Research Engineer

Tyler Kell is a research engineer working with Ari Juels's group at Cornell Tech in New York City. In a previous life, Tyler was a computer security consultant and penetration tester, and he enjoys a history of challenging security assumptions. Relevant research interests include smart contract development, security as it relates to cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technologies, and information security as a broader topic overall.

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