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Decentralization Against Isolation

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Decentralization Against Isolation

Duration: 00:31:12

Speaker: E. Glen Weyl

Type: Talk

Expertise: Beginner

Event: Devcon 4

Date: Oct 2018

We propose a design for philanthropic or publicly-funded seeding to allow (near) optimal provision of a decentralized, self-organizing ecosystem of public goods. The concept extends ideas from Quadratic Voting to a funding mechanism for endogenous community formation. Individuals make public goods contributions to projects of value to them. The amount received by the project is (proportional to) twice the square of the sum of the square roots of contributions received. Under the “standard model” this yields first best public goods provision and some modest modifications can make it fairly robust against collusive or altruistic deviations from that model.  We discuss applications to campaign finance, development ecosystems, news media finance and, more broadly, implications for the liberal-communitarian debate.
About the speakers


E. Glen Weyl


Glen Weyl is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New York City and teaches economics at Princeton University.  His work on political economy seeks to combine economics, law, technology, philosophy to design radically egalitarian and inclusive markets that can address large scale social problems.  He has published his research in the most respected journals in economics, law and computer science and has taught at the University of Chicago and Yale. However, he has recently turned towards communicating with and building a movement among a broader public.  This began with is book Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society joint with Eric Posner, but has continued in his work advising a wide range of start-ups developing Radical Markets ideas (especially in the blockchain space), helping organize a data labor movement, working with governments and political leaders around the world and collaborating with artists and other communicators to realize the true democratic potential of Radical Markets ideas.  Glen is working to organize these strands into a coherent social movement through a variety of community-building activities and in particular is organizing a Devcon-inspired conference around Radical Markets, RadicalxChange, in March 2019.

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