Watch / The Colony Reputation Protocol: a verifiable, scalable reputation system

The Colony Reputation Protocol: a verifiable, scalable reputation system

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The Colony Reputation Protocol: a verifiable, scalable reputation system

Duration: 00:19:23

Speaker: Aron Fischer

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 3

Date: Nov 2017

Colony relies on a broad reputation system to facilitate governance and decision making. The reputation system we are building is far more complex than anything that could be done in a smart contract alone. Instead the system overcomes scalability/gas cost limitations with off-chain computation of the reputation scores which are provable on-chain to the contract. In this talk we will describe how this off-chain calculation with on-chain verifiability is designed and game theoretically secured. We will also describe what kind of actions in a Colony will earn you reputation, and how reputation is used in our collective decision making process.
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