Watch / IDbox – Cost efficient device for self-sovereign identity

IDbox – Cost efficient device for self-sovereign identity

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IDbox – Cost efficient device for self-sovereign identity

Duration: 00:17:59

Speaker: Julien Bouteloup

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 3

Date: Nov 2017

IDbox ( is a cost efficient device that enables people to create a unique identity where is no internet or grid-electricity. People can then use their analog phone to access land registry, healthcare, remittance, electricity, etc.
About the speakers


Julien Bouteloup


Julien holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the USA and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from France where he specialised in Artificial Intelligence, decentralised systems and security back in 2009. He has built multiple tech businesses from energy trading, high frequency trading, decentralised identity to autonomous transportation systems and won multiple competitions worldwide. He was first introduced into Bitcoin in 2010 and then Ethereum in 2015. He is now involved full-time in decentralised applications, Blockchain, Ethereum, Game and Computability theory, AI, cryptographic and Machine learning algorithms. He is also the AI and Blockchain lead for British Blockchain Association and teaches at the Blockchainconnector in London (

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