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The Decentralized Colllaborative Web

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The Decentralized Colllaborative Web

Duration: 00:10:41

Speaker: Matan Field

Type: Talk

Expertise: Intermediate

Event: Devcon 2

Date: Sep 2016

Since the early days of Ethereum and the blockchain 2.0 movement there has been extensive research regarding the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) concept. Nevertheless, and despite TheDAO experiment, a complete understanding of what exactly a DAO is and how its ticks is still lacking. In this talk I’d like to briefly sketch a comprehensive DAO protocol, enabling decentralised reputation-based collaboration, decision making and value distribution. A scalable implementation of the protocol on the Ethereum blockchain is made possible by introducing a novel software architecture composed of a simple smart contract on the chain, and an off-chain component responsible for the majority of the interactions with the protocol.
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