playlists / EF Talks

EF Talks

12 talks

EF Talks

Talks from the Ethereum Foundation




EF Talks Devcon playlist
Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol preview
Devcon 1

Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol

Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin presents on the intricacies of the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol.

Vitalik Buterin

Ethereum in 25 Minutes, Version MMXVII preview
Devcon 3

Ethereum in 25 Minutes, Version MMXVII

So what are all of the different moving parts of the Ethereum blockchain? What are uncles, how do contracts call other contracts, who runs them? What is the role of proof of work and proof of stake, and what exactly is gas? What will EIP86 do for you? Vitalik Buterin provides a 25-minute technical overview of the ethereum blockchain, start to finish, and explain many of these concepts in detail.

Vitalik Buterin

Ethereum for Python Developers preview
Devcon 3

Ethereum for Python Developers

Everything you need to know to get started with Ethereum with Python.

Piper Merriam

Flexibility in Solidity preview
Devcon 3

Flexibility in Solidity

This talk presents latest updates and upcoming features of the Solidity language. Improvements in the code generator will greatly improve maintainability in the future. Furthermore, the next iteration of formal verification tools which will soon be a built-in component that helps you write safer smart contracts.

Dr. Christian Reitwiessner

Welcome & Team Introduction preview
Devcon 3

Welcome & Team Introduction

Ethereum Foundation ED, Ming Chan introduces Ethereum team leads, who give a brief summary of the projects and efforts they work on.

Ming Chan, Vitalik Buterin, Dr. Christian Reitwiessner, Peter Szilagyi, Fabian Vogelsteller, Viktor Tron

Contributing to Ethereum and Open-Source preview
Devcon 4

Contributing to Ethereum and Open-Source

The Ethereum community is an open source community. We rely on implementations of an open protocol, open tools built to interface with these implementations, and ultimately open source dApps and contracts that live on top. Without a healthy ecosystem of open source developers, Ethereum is nothing. That said, contributing to open source can sometimes feel intimidating, and it's not always clear how to get started. Fortunately, it is actually easy in the Ethereum community! Everything is growing and changing so much. There is so much to do and to build, and there are a ton of great ways to get started. This talk will help demystify contributing to Ethereum and open-source in general.

Danny Ryan

Ethereum 2.0 randomness preview
Devcon 4

Ethereum 2.0 randomness

Justin Drake talks about the randomness behind Ethereum 2.0 using a Verifiable Delay Function.

Justin Drake

Ethereum in 25 Minutes preview
Devcon 2

Ethereum in 25 Minutes

Ethereum Foundation Chief Scientist, Vitalik Buterin, describes Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin

Solidity for Dummies preview
Devcon 2

Solidity for Dummies

We will explore the basics of the Solidity contract language using examples.

Hudson Jameson, Piper Merriam

Cryptoeconomics In 30 Minutes preview
Devcon 5

Cryptoeconomics In 30 Minutes

Vitalik gives a quick overview behind Cryptoeconomics.

Vitalik Buterin

Eth 2.0; tldr preview
Devcon 5

Eth 2.0; tldr

High level overview of the work that has gone into Ethereum 2.0 since last devcon, the major milestones achieved, the landscape of research, and where we're going in the next 12 months. This serves as an overview talk for the track to get devcon attendees acquainted with the space in general and ground them for the range of more technical talks throughout the conference.

Danny Ryan

Growing The Way We Support preview
Devcon 5

Growing The Way We Support

What we're up to, what's different from last year.

Aya Miyaguchi