playlists / Opportunity & Global Impact
How can Ethereum change the world for the better? Public goods, sustainability, politics, P2P finance, impact of NFTs, micro-lending, financial systems, identity, emerging markets, environment, communication and censorship, access, etc.
Account Abstraction Panel
Account Abstraction: Experts agree, if we don't have Account Abstraction, then Ethereum is at stake! Your private key wallet will soon be a thing of the past. Account Abstraction promises to put programmability into every Ethereum wallet, and unlock new frontiers for both developers and users. How will Ethereum be different, when every wallet upgrades to a smart wallet? What will it take to get there? What commercial use-cases emerge? What other parts of Ethereum does AA touch?
lightclient, Julien Niset, Yoav Weiss, Vitalik Buterin, David Hoffman
Art Reflects What Happens in Society
I have always say and believe that art reflects what happens in society. From Renaissance to Cryptopunks, I am going to take you on a journey of the history of art, and why after the covid19 NFTs became popular, even though they were actually created in 2012 with the colored coins. Based on my own experience as the 1st female cryptoartist in Colombia, we will learn with what I like to call my"street" experience and discover the power of a female in a men dominated space.
Soy Fira
Balkanize Learn2Earn - Educating & Financing the Next Batch of Web3 Developers in the Balkans
The next iteration of “the web” is not going to build itself - and people in developing countries are not going to participate in this (r)evolution without some guidance and financial support. See what can be achieved by handing out scholarships to students in developing countries and guiding them in their learning process towards becoming proficient in the web3 ecosystem.
Denis Vuckovac
Be a Superhero! Tangible Actions to Support Diverse Builders and Show Allyship in Web3 Communities
In this session, we will discuss the need for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging and how it affects builder communities. We will also learn actional ways to be a better accomplice to diverse builders, colleagues, and communities. This workshop will address ways to attract, retain, and promote diverse talent as well as advocate for diverse perspectives in policy and personal spaces.
Gloria Kimbwala
Bottom Up Building: Pathways towards a Decentralized Society
Non-transferable NFTs (or soul-bound tokens) open a rich design space for enhanced social coordination and ultimately decentralization within Ethereum. If you’re interested in building a bottom-up, decentralized future, we invite you to join us in exploring non-plutocratic DAO governance, community wallet recovery, and sybil-resistance as well as potential use cases in news, science, and the creative and knowledge economy to foster consensus across difference.
Puja Ohlhaver, Paula Berman
Borderless Africa - a New Narrative
If Ethereum is a digital nation, millions of Africans will flock in masses to become citizens. Why? A fair chance to participate in an open borderless economy, and ultimately self-determination. Web3 is unleashing a generation of African talent trapped within the confines of the old gated economy. A new narrative places Africa differently through the Web3 lens. Why should Ethereum builders take African talent and markets seriously? Where are low hanging fruits for win-win scenarios?
Yoseph Ayele
Building Parallel Economy Using Ethereum
Ethereum is one of the most important tools enabling us to build free parallel structures. Parallel Polis is a humanitarian concept popularized by Czechoslovak dissidents and carried on by cryptoanarchists and cypherpunks in recent years. From their experience of living solely in cryptoeconomy for past 8 years, we learn how Ethereum is an irreplaceable tool for crypto native life, business and social structures.
Mario Havel
Building blockchain products for UNICEF. How to get involved.
UNICEF has been experimenting with Ethereum and blockchain for several years. Examples of the solutions they've built include the UNICEF cryptofund (the first crypto denominated fund in the UN), Patchwork kingdoms (the largest UN's NFT for good collection) or staking as financing tool. Do you want be part of this journey? Come to the session and learn more about the solutions (architecture, tech stack, deployment process) and understand how you can help.
Shane O'Connor, Naroa, Gerben Kijne
Building ethereum community together in china
Introducing the many Ether communities in China and how they are growing together
GUO Haoyun, Yanyan Ho
Climate Change or Social Change? The Role of Blockchain
The Paris Agreement was built over the biggest scientific consensus in the history of Humankind. We are reaching its threshold faster than expected: already 1.1 degrees above pre-industrial levels and counting. 2030 forecast: 1.5 disasters a day (earthquakes, tsunamis, electricity infrastructure loss: no internet- no blockchain) More than 1.5 degrees means massive migrations, civilization collapse and potential extinction….
Agustín Matteri
The Value of Cryptocurrencies in Supporting Human Rights
Privacy and Free Expression
Kurt Opsahl
Ecosystem Support Program Day
ESP Day is a full day of talks and panel discussions with the purpose of exploring topics or projects pertinent to ecosystem development while highlighting the EF's grantees. Join us for wide-ranging conversations on building a post-Merge world, supporting education initiatives across cultures to reach our next billion, game development to achieve ZK scaling, and more!
Monet du Plessis, Madison Adams
EEA Community Projects: a Home for Open Standards Development Projects, Managed by OASIS
The EEA Community Projects, formerly known as the Ethereum OASIS Open Project, is a hub for open source-based standards development in the Ethereum industry. We provide support for open source development of code, APIs, standards, and reference implementations. Our goal is to improve the quality of standards in the Ethereum ecosystem and provide a path to formal standards developed within the framework of OASIS, an internationally recognized technical standards body.
Tas Dienes, Daniel Burnett
Ethereum Business Readiness in 2022
Ethereum has had amongst its stated objectives to support enterprise adoption from its inception. Over the years, there have been a number of challenges to this becoming a reality. Now the necessary components are all there to fully support a number of compelling use cases, most of which use Ethereum Mainnet as the final settlement layer. Drawing from research across 120 companies, learn how companies are succeeding today and what infrastructure they are using to get to production.
Dan Shaw, Daniel Burnett
Ethereum Event Showcase
Juan David Reyes
Ethereum for the next billion: DeFi for the unbanked/underbanked
The term 'public good', which has been adopted by many in the Ethereum community, should apply to the whole public, including those without access to traditional systems. This panel is about how blockchains actually make it to the un/under-banked -- the pragmatic considerations, and the inspirational possibilities. Panelists include Abhishek Bhattacharya, Benson Njuguna, Gabriela Guerra, and Marcus Alburez Myers with Karam Alhamad as moderator.
Ethereum Foundation Fellows, Benson Njuguna, Abhishek Bhattacharya, Marcus AM, Gabriela Guerra
Ethereum for the Next Billion: Who Are Your Next Billion?
Ethereum needs to overcome many gaps in representation across cultures, languages, ages, and more. This panel explores the question: "Who are the people that you consider to be the 'next billion' Ethereum users, and how will Ethereum make an impact on their lives?” Panelists include Geoffrey See, Mary Davies, and Mihajlo Atanackovic with Chuy Cepeda as moderator.
Ethereum Foundation Fellows, Mihajlo Atanackovic, Mary P. Davies, Chuy Cepeda, Geoffrey See
Ethereum is Solarpunk ☀️
Solarpunk is an art movement that envisions how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability problems such as climate change and pollution. Solarpunk is our alternative to doomerism. … We just need a key that unlocks the building of new institutions -- Humanity Coordinating at Webscale. Ethereum is Solarpunk - a key to coordinating humanity through it's coordination failures.
Kevin Owocki
Ethereum Won’t Be The Money Layer of the Internet if People Think It’s an Earth-Destroying Scam: Four Ways to Change the Narrative
2021 was the breakout year for web3. Yet despite the millions of new users, a Morning Consult survey found that while 83% of consumers are aware of crypto, only 26% have a positive opinion. How do we as a community shift the narrative? I will share four ways to communicate web3’s benefits, relying on insight from our survey of 20k people in 15 countries around the world, updates on MetaMask Learn, and the inspiring stories of creativity and entrepreneurship enabled through web3.
James Beck
Fighting for Crypto's Future: The State of Regulation & Advocacy
An overview of the advocacy strategy for crypto and the current state of regulation.
Connor Spelliscy
Five Devcons in Five Minutes
A humorous, yet informative, whistle-stop tour of our conference, with focus on the changing demographics and social themes of our favourite week of the year!
Thomas Barker
Giga: How Can Blockchain Help Connect the Next Billion
2.9 billion people are still offline and 96% of these people live in developing countries. During the session, public and private sector leaders from Giga countries like Rwanda or South Africa will speak about 1) how they are using blockchain to connect schools, 2) the opportunities of this technology in emerging markets. In particular, they’ll talk about blockchain as tool to automate payments, staking to finance school connectivity, NFTs to fundraise or a marketplace to incentivize providers.
Naroa, Gerben Kijne, Anda Ngcaba
Growing the Global Ethereum Community Through Localization
Over 6 billion people in the world do not speak English at all. By localizing and providing Ethereum content (user interfaces, documentation, educational content, etc.) in different languages, we can dramatically increase our target audience and onboard more people to Ethereum, as well as make Ethereum education more accessible.
Luka Kropec
How Latam cities are thinking about blockchain solutions.
Mayors or Innovation Ministers/Secretaries to discuss and share their blockchain projects and impact in citizens.
Jaime Pumarejo, Diego Fernandez, Mauricio Tovar, Irais Reyes, Alfredo Bateman
How to Build Bigger and Stronger ETH Communities in Latam - EN ESPAÑOL
We propose to present a panel with representatives of at least five Ethereum communities in Latam in order to review what has been achieved so far, the main challenges they face and the vision they have regarding the future. From this discussion, the audience will be able to draw conclusions regarding the degree of progress of the different communities, understand the particular difficulties of each country and identify if there is a common vision for Latam.
Toño Romero, Ana Belén || AnaTech, Solange Gueiros, Crisgarner, Juan David Reyes, Romina Ayelén Sejas
Let's start a RAI-ot!
Launched Feb 2020, RAI—a fork of DAI—is an ETH backed stable-ish coin that uses an onchain PI controller to set interest rates automatically and emphasizes “ungovernance”. If you’ve ever looked at a central bank and thought about replacing it with a computer, this talk is for you! Come listen to the RAI story so far, what we’ve learned, where we’re going, and why we think the RAI model of controlled, floating exchange rates are going to be the future of DeFi and beyond.
Fabio Hildebrand
Living on Ethereum
To maximize the real-world utility of the Ethereum network, ether and ERC20 stablecoins must be increasingly used as money. This means being able to pay for goods and services without going through exchanges or banks. This talk will give a short history of the best efforts so far at onboarding merchants, dive into the anthropological reasons why this is a hard problem, and share our learnings on some recent successes on growing the number of crypto consumer purchases.
Ale Machado
Machismo, Remittence, & Inflation: Scaling Ethereum for Widespread Adoption in LATAM
According to Gemini's 2022 Global State of Crypto Report, women in developing countries lead in the adoption of crypto among women. Particularly, women in Latina America lead in crypto ownership when compared to other regions, with 43% of crypto holders being women. We'll take a real world lens to the reality of LATAM and the need to scale Ethereum, the status of L2s, emerging modular blockchains, and how they all fit into the end goal of getting Ethereum transactions into fractions of cents.
Camila Garzon
Making Sense of the Ethereum Foundation
Josh Stark
Music Jamboree with Weird ETH and Friends
Ben Jones will perform a variety of Ethereum-related musical songs with a set of web3 guests including Georgios Konstantopulous and Ed Solomon.
Ben Jones
My Mother Hates Your Project (And Mine)! Why We Need More Soft Skills In Crypto
GM, fren, anon, ape in, DeFi, DApps, protocol, WAGMI. Words have immense power, and yet we are doing ourselves a disservice when it comes to everything crypto by not embracing soft skillers. The way in which we continue to name, explain and communicate our creations will have profound impact on adoption. And right now, we suck at it. Hard.
Vince Major
New Applications for Quadratic Funding
Since the inception of Quadratic Funding, the mechanism has mainly been used to fund open source software and public goods in a Web3-centric context. Recently, Gitcoin and others have experimented with QF in new ways to empower specific ecosystems, fund localized communities, and tackle real-world issues (climate change, health, policy). As adoption grows so do barriers and scalability challenges, but many promising advancements could be the key to breaking out of the blockchain bubble.
Connor O'Day
Rotki: Why it’s Open Source and Local-First and Why Should You Care?
This will be a talk on the why we need opensource, local-first privacy preserving tools in this field. Reiterate the benefits of opensource and the cypherphunk ethos that built the crypto field. Ponder why so many people still develop closed source centralized tools and explain why this is contrary to the core ethos of the field. Then by using rotki as a main example show how things can and should be done differently. The opensource, local-first way. Explore both benefits and drawbacks
Konstantinos Paparas
Self-Sovereign Digital Identity
Diego Fernandez
Sign in With Ethereum: the Most Powerful Protocol in #Web3?
Sign in with Ethereum is an almost accidental byproduct of #Web3, but is already turning into an incredibly powerful tool for user engagement and convenience. Wallet holders sign into DeFi protocols to manage their money or sales of NFTs but can it be much more than it already is. Linking seams of rich data to an ethereum address is the future of identity, ease and monetisation on the web. Join Lang Cui (Struck Capital), Nick Johnson (ENS) Justina Petraitytė (3boxx) & Shiv Malik (Pool Data)
Shiv Malik, Nick Johnson, Justina Petraityte, Lang Cui
Smart Transactions
Smart Transactions act as if they know how they are being situated and whether they are being treated fairly. With context dependent semantics, uncanny awareness of the future, and mid-execution access to actual and virtual services, smart transactions challenge us to elaborate on Ethereum’s transactional semantics.
Vlad Zamfir
Streameth: Decentralized Video CMS
Streameth is an open source video CMS that allows event organizers to distribute decentralized, censorship resistant video content. This project comes out of a collaboration between Livepeer and Ethereum foundation to help web3 communities decouple themselves from centralized video platforms. In this talk, we will explore why streameth was created, its early usage in various community events and how we plan to evolve the tool.
Pablo Voorvaart
The Biggest Web3 Opportunity No One is Talking About!
$10.5 Trillion were spent, not invested, SPENT in 2021 in the US alone, and this is a global sector. This sector has a for-loss model... the capital providers, despite creating an abundance of value that is in high demand, are losing money had over fist, and web3 has the solution. You missed Bitcoin, you missed Ethereum, don't sleep on this.
Griff Green
The Coordination Song 🌎✨🎵
You've heard that public goods are good. You've heard that crypto can regenerative the world. But have you heard the song? Join noted web3 musiciian Justin Myles for a musical ensemble about coordination, regenerative crypto, public goods.
Kevin Owocki, Justin Holmes
The Influence of Crypto Regulation on Open Blockchains: Opportunities and Challenges
With the wider adoption, the use of open blockchains and dapps built on top of it is becoming progressively regulated by governments all over the world (especially in the EU and the U.S.). Understanding and adjusting to these regulations is becoming a reality for many projects in the ecosystem, especially the ones facing the users and the community. What will be the impact of regulation on the Ethereum ecosystem and how it might change the existing use cases, designs and utilities?
Florian Glatz, Marina Markezic, Simon Polrot
The Past, Present and Future of Web3 in LATAM
Web 3 is here to change the world. NFTs, L2, and smart contracts are tools that people need in Latam to address economical disparity and to access a better financial ecosystem. In my talk, I explain how latinos used crypto a few years ago, how they are using it, and how they'll use it to improve their lives through DAOs, NFTs, L2s and smartcontracts.
The Power of Stories
The real, complex, and often messy backstories of many of those that contribute to the Ethereum protocol to try and capture the nebulous art of leadership within an ecosystem without hierarchy or explicit authority.
Piper Merriam
The Role UNICEF Plays in Encouraging the “Impact Trinity” – Real world Use-cases, Open-source Software and For-Profit Business models
Facilitated and moderated by UNICEF, this panel discussion will bring together a group of blockchain start ups, part of the UNICEF Venture Fund portfolio, to touch on the importance of open source and digital public goods as part of a (profitable) business model. Through 3 rounds of questions, the start ups will share their experiences with UNICEF and opinions on the topics
Evelyn Casanova, Shane O'Connor
The Unbanked, A Real Blue Ocean Opportunity for Crypto
1/4 of the global population is excluded from the current financial system. Financial exclusion stems from the belief that a population is too high risk to receive funding. Sadly, this factor preeminently causes these same people to never be able to break out of poverty. Unbanked farmers fall in the same boat. Due to their lack of collateral and credit history, they can only access loans starting at 100% interest rate. Crypto and blockchain has an opportunity to change that for the better.
Gabriela Chang
The web3 Social Layer - Web3 Social: the Next Wave of Innovation
Today, we give away valuable ownership of our data, content, and audience to big social network platforms, whose business models thrive on our acquiescence and their dominance. Web3 promises a new open graph where users own their data, content, and social networks and can move their digital footprint freely between platforms.
Stani Kulechov
There Are Many Alternatives: Unlocking Civilizational Hypercomplexity with Ethereum
Venkatesh Rao is a consultant and writer @ Ribbonfarm. He's the author of 'Tempo' and 6 eBooks including 'Be Slightly Evil', 'Crash Early Crash Often', & more.
Venkatesh Rao
UNICEF CryptoFund: Exploring Blockchain and How it Could Change Futures for the Most Vulnerable
This session will showcase how UNICEF’s Office of Innovation is exploring the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and how these might have an impact on the work that UNICEF does. It will also present the trajectory and results to date of the UNICEF CryptoFund, the first vehicle in the United Nations ecosystem to receive, hold, and disburse crypto, which makes equity-free investments into technology startups within developing countries that are working to improve lives of children.
Evelyn Casanova, Sanna Bedi
Universal Access to All Knowledge: Decentralization Experiments at the Internet Archive
The Internet Archive holds over 100PB of data, spanning the Wayback Machine, films, scientific publications, vintage video games, and more. What is it like to try to decentalize at this scale? We'll share our experience with networks like Filecoin, Storj, and arweave, discuss design trade-offs, offer recommendations for both builders and those curious about storing large amounts of data, and maybe even muse about how institutions could "disappear from sight... and become all of us"
Arkadiy Kukarkin
Universal Basic Income for Humanity
On 2021 the Proof of Humanity protocol was released alongside the UBI token reaching almost 20k humans receiving Universal Basic Income. This talk will offer direct testimonials from users on how UBI has impacted their lives. We will demo how Proof of Humanity v2 will support the use of Soul Bound Tokens and reduce costs using Layer 2. Also we will explain how UBI v2 extends its streaming features allowing real time money and how we can create regenerative economics for it as a community.
Santiago Siri
Using Blockchain to Overcome LATAM Challenges
Latam has a very complex background facing issues such as govt corruption, inequality, lack of opportunities, violence and so on... Many of these problems have been discussed for a while always from centralized points of view. In this talk we will explore 5 escenarios where Blockchain technology can improve quality of life for latam people.
Web3 Adoption in Africa
Join to immerse yourself in the current realities and trajectories of Africa and Web3. Let’s talk about Africa from the perspective of Africans, the opportunities Africans see for our continent, and what the state of adoption is. Discussion themes include education and talent, DeFi, regulation landscape, culture and art, and the funding landscape for Web3 startups.
Tony Olendo, Yoseph Ayele
Web3 in the Ukraine government: integration & impact
Max Semenchuk
Why Only Virtual Money is Real Money
Bruno Macaes